
I negotiated access to a COVID-19 ICU to explain the data that informs public health policies.
I acquired highly sought after records to tell the story of one of the first COVID-19 outbreaks in San Diego County.
During breaking news coverage of ongoing protests over racial injustice, I spotted a group of nurses staying vigilant in the back of the crowd.
After being selected as one of 25 journalists for a national vaccine reporting fellowship, I examined one of the unique downsides to COVID-19 vaccine race.
I received a tour of a local lab processing COVID-19 tests to explain ongoing supply shortages.
I dug into the process of reporting COVID-19 test results to reveal potential redundancies.
I used crowdsourcing tools to connect with COVID-19 vaccine trial participants and identified a unique pair of volunteers. I reported and edited this piece with videography by Matt Bowler.